

Academic Rules and Regulations

The general policies, procedures and minimum requirements for advanced degrees are stated in this section. However, each program has specific degree requirements which are detailed in the respective program descriptions under later sections of this catalogue.

Academic Advisors

Each student has an academic advisor who mentors the student in course selection. Names of advisees and their respective advisors are available through the JICS (Jenzabar Internet Campus Solution)

Categories of Students

Full-Time Students carry a minimum load of 24 ECTS per term, or 12 ECTS in the summer.

Part-Time Students are restricted to those who need fewer than 12 credits to complete work for an undergraduate degree or to those who are granted special permission from the appropriate faculty committee for health or family reasons.

Non-Degree Students

The category of non-degree students is restricted to those students who are not working for a degree. Students in this section could be visiting, cross-registered, exchange, study abroad, special not working for a degree and auditing students.

Auditing students

Auditors are those who register to sit in on classes with the permission of the instructor and who do not take part in any evaluative exercise. Auditing students must be registered and must have settled their fees before being allowed access to any class. Applicants are not eligible to audit laboratory, studio or seminar courses.

Since permission to audit is on a space-available basis, applicants are not permitted to register until after registration of regular students is complete.

The university does not grant academic credit for such work.



Before proceeding to register, new students must ensure that all requirements for registration have been met, particularly conditions detailed in the admission letter from the Rector. These conditions include meeting the Readiness for University Studies in English and providing evidence that the student received the diploma, certificate, degree or level of university education on the basis of which s/he applied for and received admission to AUB Mediterraneo.

The Registration Guide is posted on the website and is included in the admissions package sent to students. Subsequent to confirmation that all conditions have been met, students should follow the steps in this guide.

Students can introduce final adjustments to their schedules during the drop and add period, which normally extends for one week starting the second day of classes.

Continuing students must follow the steps received in the email announcing the opening of the registration they receive from the Office of the Registrar.

In both cases, students may refer to the “Registration Instructional Video".

CROSS-REGISTRATION​​ (Undergraduate and Graduate)

Students Enrolled at AUB Mediterraneo Taking Courses at Other Universities

A student studying at the AUB Mediterraneo may be allowed to cross-register for a course at other recognized academic institutions if the following three conditions are met:

  • the course is required by AUB Mediterraneo;
  • the course is not offered at AUB Mediterraneo during the term at the end of which the student expects to graduate;
  • the course in which the student intends to cross-register is equivalent to a course that AUB Mediterraneo offers (the number and title of each of the two equivalent courses should be clearly indicated).

​The chairperson of the department in which the student is majoring sends the Registrar a written statement confirming that all the conditions listed above have been met. The AUB Mediterraneo Registrar authorizes the student to cross-register. The student then submits the authorization to the concerned institution.

Students Enrolled at Other Universities Taking Courses at AUB Mediterraneo

For purposes of cross-registration, students studying at recognized academic institutions who wish to take courses at AUB Mediterraneo must do the following:

  • secure permission from their institutions to take specified courses at AUB Mediterraneo
  • secure permission from the dean of the faculty concerned at AUB Mediterraneo
  • present the above permissions to the AUB Mediterraneo Office of the Registrar
  • register in accordance with the instructions specified in the registration guide, copies of which are sent to the institutions.​


AUB Mediterraneo undergraduate students may choose to study abroad in their penultimate year (or equivalent class in professional schools) in an approved program of study, without losing their status at AUB Mediterraneo. They may apply for an established program at a university that has an exchange agreement with AUB Mediterraneo, or they may initiate their own visiting student proposal for at a university of their choice that is recognized by AUB Mediterraneo.

The university may accept courses that were performed by AUB-MED students to other recognized universities, within the framework of student exchange or study abroad programs, with a maximum study period of one year.

Study abroad is strictly prohibited during the final semester of study at AUB Mediterraneo.


Full-time students must carry a minimum load of 24 ECTS per regular term and 12 ECTS in the summer. A full-time student who wishes or is forced to reduce this minimum must petition the appropriate faculty committee.

The credit load in a regular term shall not be fewer than 24 ECTS for a student who continues to be on probation beyond one term or who is placed on three non-consecutive probations.

Full time students can normally register for up to 36 ECTS per term and up to 18 ECTS during the summer term. Students in the following categories must submit an overload petition to the appropriate faculty committee for permission to register for course loads above these maximum credit loads (Once approved the committee must inform the office of registrar in order to give the student the permission to overload)


A student who fails a required course must repeat the course at the earliest opportunity. No course may be taken more than three times, which includes course withdrawals. When a course is repeated, the highest grade is considered in the calculation of the cumulative average. All course grades remain in a student's permanent record and can figure in the calculation for graduation awards. Transferred courses from another institution that are repeated at AUB Mediterraneo will be assigned the grade earned at AUB Mediterraneo irrespective of the grade of the transferred course.


Students can withdraw from only one required course per term. Students who wish to withdraw from more than one required course in any given term must petition the appropriate faculty committee for permission.

Students can withdraw from elective courses, down to a minimum of 24 ECTS, no later than 12 weeks (six weeks in the summer term) from the start of the term. Students receive a grade of 'W' for the course.


Classes and Laboratories

  • Students are expected to attend all classes, laboratories, and/or required fieldwork. All missed laboratory or fieldwork must be made up. A student is responsible for the work that is done and for any announcements made during their absence.
  • Students who miss more than one-fifth of the sessions of any course in the first twelve weeks of the term (six weeks in the case of the summer term) can be dropped from the course. A faculty member who drops a student from the course for this reason must have stated in the syllabus that attendance will be taken.
  • Students who withdraw or are withdrawn for excessive absence from a course receive a grade of “W."
  • Students who do not withdraw from a course for exccesive absence will receive a grade of F.
  • A student may not withdraw from a course if the withdrawal results in being registered for fewer than 24 ECTS for regular terms and 12 for the summer.



Students who miss an announced examination or quiz must present an excuse considered valid by the instructor of the course. Unless stated otherwise in the course syllabus, the course instructor should then require the student to take a make-up examination. Make-up quizzes, midterms and class assignments must be completed before the final grade of the course is issued at the end of the term.


Only medical reports and/or qualified professional opinions issued by a recognized medical professional. Should there be a question about the validity of any excuse presented by the student, the matter shall be referred to the appropriate faculty committee. Instructors should make sure there is no time conflict between an exam and a regularly scheduled course.



Undergraduate students must normally earn their final 90 ECTS at AUB Mediterraneo. An AUB Mediterraneo  student in good academic standing who did not transfer to AUB Mediterraneo from another university and who wishes to study abroad may spend up to one year and earn up to 60 ECTS at another university with prior authorization from the advisor, the faculty, and the University Registrar. An AUB Mediterraneo student must spend the final term at AUB Mediterraneo.

  • A minimum residency of four regular semesters at AUB Mediterraneo for bachelor programs is required
  • Two Summer sessions can be counted as one regular semester only once

CHANGE OF GRADE POLICY(Undergraduate and Graduate)

After grades are posted on the AUB Mediterraneo Student Information System, a change of grade is not allowed unless a demonstrable mistake was made in the correction of the final examination or in the calculation of the grade. In such a case, the instructor must complete a Change of Grade form and submit it to the chairperson of the department in which the course is offered with supporting evidence for the mistake warranting the change of grade. If the chairperson of the department approves the change of grade, s/ he will sign the form and transmit it for final approval to the dean.

Students have the right to access their corrected exams, including final exams, and to request review of their exams in case mistakes have been made in calculating grades or in corrections. The student's request to review the course grade shall be made to the course instructor within one week of the posting of course grades. In case the review by the instructor results in a change of course grade, the instructor shall complete the Change of Grade form in accordance with the procedure outlined by the faculty in which the course is offered.

If a dispute regarding the change of a grade continues, the student should discuss the issue with the chair of the department. If the student is still not satisfied, s/he may submit a petition to the faculty Academic and Curriculum Committee requesting further consideration.


A student who receives an Incomplete grade for a course must petition or submit a valid reason for missing the work to the appropriate faculty committee within two weeks of the date of the scheduled final exam in order to obtain permission to complete the course. Coursework must be completed within one month of the start of the next regular term. In exceptional circumstances, the appropriate faculty committee may decide to give the student additional time to complete a course.

Incomplete coursework is reported as “I". Normally, “I" is followed by a numerical grade or a letter grade reflecting the evaluation of the student, available at the end of the term. This evaluation is based on a grade of zero on all missed work and is reported in units of five. If the work is not completed within the period specified, the “I" is dropped and the grade becomes final.


Transfer of credits to "advanced level high school courses".

The Council can accept transfer of credits from recognized external examinations, professional experience or non-recognized institution/non accredited study program, up to 10% of the total credits required to obtain a degree.

Therefore, credits for obtaining a Bachelor's degree from "advanced level high school courses" could be transferred, provided that they do not exceed 10% of the total credits required for the Bachelor's degree, i.e. 24 ECTS (for a four-year level programme)

For students studying abroad (Undergraduate Students)

Students who study abroad are required to get pre-approval for the courses they plan to register at the host institution.

Upon completion of the Study Abroad Program, students should ensure that the earned credits are transferred toward their degree requirements as follows: ​

  • Students should submit the syllabi (including course learning outcomes if available) of all pre- approved courses that they completed abroad, along with the Study Abroad transcript from the host university, to the relevant faculty Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for final approval of credits earned.
  • Students must have their host institution provide an official transcript directly to the AUB Mediterraneo Office of the Registrar
  • Approval of credit transfer is contingent upon achieving a minimum passing grade at the study abroad university.
  • The Office of the Registrar can act directly if a similar course equivalence has already been approved by a Curriculum Committee. As each course is approved for equivalence, the Office of the Registrar dates the decision and ensures that all courses are re-evaluated after five years. Re- evaluation to determine whether a transfer course continues to meet AUB Mediterraneo requirements in terms of content and credit hours includes assessment of course learning outcomes.
  • Credits received through Study Abroad Programs will show as Pass/No Pass only on the AUB Mediterraneo transcript. Exceptionally, credits received by AUB Mediterraneo students through study at AUB in Beirut will reflect the grades earned, which will be included in the computation of the GPA.


Transfer credit courses from the AUB, Lebanon to AUB Mediterraneo

The transfer of courses corresponding to a maximum of two semesters of study (up to 68 ECTS) from studies to be carried out at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, to programs of the American University of Beirut – Mediterraneo, provided that it concerns Degree-level titles.

For postgraduates' studies, the transfer of lessons from programs of the AUB Lebanon, must not exceed 30 ECTS.


Upon completion of registration for their first term at AUB Mediterraneo, students should make sure credits earned at other institutions that count toward program requirements at AUB Mediterraneo are transferred as follows:

  • Students must submit the following to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee of the relevant faculty for final approval of credits earned: They must submit the syllabi (including course learning outcomes if available) of all courses completed at the other institution, the transcript of the courses issued by the institution received, and a course equivalence form signed by the chair of the department offering the equivalent course. Students are encouraged to seek approval of credit transfer within one month of the start of their first term or as soon as possible thereafter.
  • Students must have their host institution provide an official transcript directly to the AUB Mediterraneo Office of the Registrar.
  • Approval of credit transfer is contingent upon achieving a minimum passing grade equivalent to AUB Mediterraneo's C in each course as determined by the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee of the relevant faculty.
  • Credits received through Study Abroad Programs will show as pass only on the AUB Mediterraneo transcript.
  • The Office of the Registrar keeps a log of accepted grade equivalencies for courses offered by local, regional and international universities to ensure consistent implementation across all majors of the grade equivalence policy for credit transfer.
  • For degrees at the Bachelor's level, the essential part-percentage of the studies that must be done at AUB Mediterraneo is at least four semesters of full-time study for four-year study cycles.
  • Credit units, that is, transferable to a degree-level program of study in the same or a related subject, from previous studies, must not exceed half the program of study.


Students who wish to transfer from one major to another within the same faculty may do so only after completion of at least two full terms of work in their current major. In all cases, they must:

  • Complete the transfer form
  • Attach grades to the transfer form
  • Submit the form to the chairperson of the current department (who will make her/his recommendation to the chairperson of the prospective department)


The chairperson of the prospective department presents the form to the Academic committee/Faculty committee. The decision of the committee is communicated to the student by the faculty.


Students who wish to transfer from one faculty to another must complete the application for transfer form. They must apply within deadlines specified in the university calendar.



To be placed on the dean's honor list at the end of the term, a student must

  • Be carrying at least 24 ECTS,
  • Have passed all courses and attained an overall average of A- or be ranked in the top 10 percent of the class and have an overall average of B+,
  • Not be on academic probation
  • Not have been subjected to any disciplinary action within the university during the term


Placement on Academic Probation

A student is placed on academic probation if the student's overall average is less than 2.0 at the end of the first through fourth regular evaluation terms, or if the term average is less than 2.3 in any subsequent term, excluding the summer term.

The term in which the student is considered to be 'on probation' is the term that immediately

follows the term in which the student has earned the grades leading to that placement.

The first academic evaluation will be done at the end of the second regular term at the university (after a minimum of 48 ECTS including all repeated courses), and afterwards at the end of each subsequent 24 ECTS fall or spring term, including all repeated courses.

Courses/credits taken during a summer term are counted towards the term average of the next regular term. If the number of ECTS taken in any one regular term is less than 24 (for approved reasons), courses/credits taken during that term are counted toward the term average of the next regular term.

Credit for incomplete courses will be included in the term in which the incomplete courses were taken. The evaluation for that term will be carried out as soon as the grades for the incomplete courses have been finalized.

For implementation purposes, the academic standing of a student is represented by two attributes (a, b).

  • The first attribute (a) represents the student's current academic status as follows: 0: clear status 1: student is currently on probation but was not on probation in the immediately preceding regular term 2: student is currently on probation and was on probation in the immediately preceding regular term.
  • The second attribute (b) represents the probation history of a student, i.e., the number of times the student has been placed on probation.


Probation is removed when the student attains a term average of 2.0 or better in the third or fourth regular term or a term average of 2.3 or more in any subsequent regular term. The student is off probation during the term following the one in which such grades are earned.

Probation should be removed within two regular terms, excluding summer, after the student is placed on probation or when the student completes her/his graduation requirements (see Graduation Requirements).


A student may be dismissed from the university for any of the following reasons:

  • If the student's overall average is less than 1.0 at the end of the second regular term
  • If the student fails to clear academic probation within two regular terms, excluding the summer term, after being put on probation; i.e., the student's academic status is (2,2) or (2,3), and the student has failed to remove the probation
  • If the student is placed on academic probation for a total of four regular terms (a student can be dropped for this reason even if s/he is in the final year at AUB); i.e., the student's academic status is (0,3) or (1,3), and the student is again placed on probation;
  • If the student is deemed unworthy by the faculty to continue for professional or ethical reasons.


A student is normally considered for readmission only if, after spending a year at another recognized institution of higher education, the student is able to present a satisfactory record and recommendations. Exceptions may be made for students who left the university for personal or health reasons. Transfer of credits is considered after departmental evaluation of a student's coursework.

Undergraduate Graduation Requirements Residency and Total ECTS Requirements

A maximum of six calendar years is allowed for graduation for students who enter as regular first-year students. A student who fails to complete her/his degree program within the specified time frame must petition the Student Academic Affairs Committee for an extension.

A minimum of seven terms of residence is required beginning with year one. For purposes of this requirement, two summer sessions shall be considered equivalent to one term.

Departmental Requirements

The requirements are a minimum of 72 ECTS in the major department in courses numbered 100 or above, of which a minimum of 60 ECTS must be numbered 200 or above. Also, a cumulative average of C+ (2.3) in the major plus any additional requirements set by the department.

Graduation with Distinction and High Distinction—Undergraduate Students Only

To graduate with distinction, a student must:

  • have an average of A- (3.7) or higher in all work of her/his final academic terms, including summers: (two summer sessions are equivalent to one term) during which 120 ECTS credits or more have been completed at AUB Mediterraneo
  • and be recommended by her/his department for distinction

To graduate with high distinction, a student must:

  • have an average of A (4.0) or higher in all work of her/his final academic terms, including summers: (two summer sessions are equivalent to one term) during which 120 ECTS credits or more have been completed at AUB Mediterraneo
  • and be recommended by her/his department for high distinction.

For purposes of graduation with distinction or high distinction, when a student repeats a course, all grades enter into the computation of the student's overall average. For transfer students, if the number of credits completed at AUB Mediterraneo is less than 120 ECTS, then the completed credits are used as the measuring criteria.


The minimum passing grade for a graduate course is C+ (2.3).

Results of tutorial courses, projects, or theses are reported as Pass (P) or No Pass (NP).

Prerequisite courses are undergraduate courses taken to make up for deficiencies in the student's background. The minimum passing grade for a prerequisite course is C+ (2.3). However, a department program may set a higher minimum passing grade.


A student who is absent without excuse for more than one third of the number of sessions in any course may be dropped by the instructor of the course.


All graduate students are expected to make steady and satisfactory progress toward the completion of degrees.

Students who are not enrolled for a period of more than one academic year (two consecutive regular terms and one summer) will be considered to have withdrawn from the program unless they apply for a leave of absence and secure approval from the department, faculty/school Graduate Studies Committee.

The leave of absence application can be up to one academic year at a time. The maximum period of approved leave of absence is for two academic years. An approved leave of absence does not count towards maximum residency. Non-enrollment by the student for one regular term without securing leave of absence will count towards maximum residency.

Students who seek to return without having secured leave of absence approval after a non-enrollment period of more than one academic year must reapply and will be considered for readmission following regular AUB Mediterraneo application/admission procedures. If re-admitted into the same graduate program, then their earlier status as graduate student will count towards maximum residency.

The leave of absence will be approved based on a justified reason that includes documentation/proof submitted, and the time of submission. Acceptable reasons must prevent students from carrying out their graduate studies. Students are strongly advised to consult with their advisors regarding the validity of their reasons.

Normally, students are expected to submit a leave of absence before the start of the term in which the leave begins. On some occasions and with adequate justification, leave of absence may be approved after the beginning of the term.

Students should be granted an automatic reactivation of their academic status through the Registrar Office.

Category of Students (Graduate)

Full-Time Status

Full-time status is defined as the enrollment by the graduate student in the following:

A minimum of 18 non-thesis ECTS during the fall or spring term or Masters students working on thesis

Part-Time Status

Any student who does not fulfill any of the above full-time mentioned conditions.

Course Loads (Graduate)

Normally, the maximum number of credits that may be taken in a regular term is 36. The maximum number of credits that may be taken in the summer session is 18. Normally, a student who wishes to enroll in more than the maximum number of credits must petition the faculty Graduate Studies Committee to obtain permission.

Graduate Level Courses

The minimum passing grade for a graduate course is C+ (2.3) for a master's student.

The minimum grade for a graduate student enrolled in a graduate course is F (0).

Results of tutorial courses are reported as Pass (P) or No Pass (NP) .

Results of comprehensive exams, projects, or theses are reported as in Progress (PR) or Pass (P) or NO Pass (NP).

Prerequisite Courses

Prerequisite courses are undergraduate courses taken to make up for deficiencies in the student's academic background. Prerequisite courses do not carry graduate credit.

The minimum passing grade for a prerequisite course is C+. Departments or programs may set higher minimum passing grades.


To meet the minimum residence requirements for the master's degree, a student must register and be in residence as a graduate student for at least two terms, that is, either for one term and two summers or for four summers.

All requirements for the master's degree must be completed within a period of eight regular terms after admission to graduate study. Students attending only summer sessions must complete all requirements within a period of six summers after admission to graduate study. Extension beyond the maximum allowed period of study requires approval from the Graduate Studies Committee of the faculty offering the program.


For postgraduates Master's level degrees, the essential part-percentage of the studies to be done at AUB Mediterraneo is two-thirds of the program. The credits that can be transferred to program of Master's level studies in the same or related subject from previous studies, should not exceed the one third of the program.



Master's Degree Program

Graduate courses taken beyond the bachelor's degree requirements at AUB Mediterraneo, or at other recognized institutions, are not transferable for credit toward master's degree requirements, unless the applicant attained a cumulative average of at least B+ (3.3) in the undergraduate courses taken in the major or related field of study. Only graduate courses in which the applicant earned an equivalent grade of B+ (3.3) or above can be transferred. No more than 27 graduate ECTS are transferable provided they are not credits earned by internship, thesis or practicum, and degree minimum residency requirement is maintained.


Transfer from AUB Lebanon to AUB Mediterraneo (Graduate)

For postgraduate studies, the transfer of lessons from programs of the AUB Lebanon, must not exceed 30 ECTS.

From One Master's Degree To Another

Graduate courses taken at AUB Mediterraneo  (or at other recognized institutions), in which the applicant earned an equivalent grade of B+ (3.3) or above, may be transferred to another master's degree at AUB-Mediterraneo. No more than 27 ECTS are transferable provided they are not credits earned by an internship, thesis or practicum, and degree minimum residency requirement is maintained. Approval by the department or the academic unit concerned and the faculty Graduate Studies Committee is required for all credit transfers. Normally, credits counted toward another graduate degree at AUB Mediterraneo  or another institution cannot be transferred if they have already been used to satisfy requirements for another awarded graduate degree.

Use Of Graduate Transfer Credits In GPA

Credits earned at other institutions or at AUB Mediterraneo beyond the requirements of the bachelor's degree and transferred into the master's program are not included in the calculation of a student's grade average while pursuing a master's degree. Such courses are reported as pass (P). Transfers of credit earned at the master's level or while registered as a graduate not working for a degree from AUB Mediterraneo are not subject to the above limitations but require the recommendation of the department chair and approval of the faculty Graduate Studies Committee.

Change of Major Within Faculty and Interfaculty Transfer (Graduate)

A student enrolled in a master's degree program at AUB Mediterraneo may apply to transfer to another program according to the following procedure:

  • Change of major within the same Faculty: The student may apply, following the set deadlines for graduate admissions process, for change of major within the same Faculty by petitioning the department to which s/he is planning to join and securing its approval and the approval of the Faculty Graduate Studies Committee.
  • Transfer to other Faculties/Schools from within AUB Mediterraneo: The student should complete a new application to the desired program following the graduate admissions process and deadlines to be considered for admission into the new major.
  • Transfer within an interfaculty program: The student should apply to the relevant interfaculty program committee seeking its approval and the approval of the Faculty Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty to which the student wishes to transfer.

Academic Standing of Students Working for a Master's Degree

The academic performance of the student is first evaluated by the department upon completion of 27 ECTS of coursework after initial enrollment towards the degree and then is evaluated every term/term thereafter.

A graduate student is in good standing when her/his graduate cumulative average is B+(3.3) or above. A student must be in good standing in order to be awarded a degree.

Students Admitted on Probation

  • A student admitted on probation must complete at least 27 ECTS of graduate level courses within the first two terms of graduate studies, must pass all courses, and must attain a minimum cumulative average of 3.3 to achieve regular status.
  • If the student fails to meet any of these conditions, s/he will be dropped from the program.

Placing Students on Probation (Graduate)

  • A student is placed on probation if s/he attains a cumulative average less than GPA 3.3 after the completion of 27 ECTS, or fails any course taken for graduate credit.
  • A student thus placed on probation because of GPA must remove it by the end of the following regular term. This is done by achieving a cumulative average of GPA 3.3.
  • A student placed on probation because of course failure must retake and pass the course the next time it is offered. In case this condition cannot be met, the student, in consultation with the advisor, must petition the faculty/school Graduate Studies Committee.

Dismissal (Graduate)

The Faculty/School Graduate Studies Committee may dismiss a master's student, in consultation with the department/program, from graduate study if any of the following conditions arise:

  • Cumulative average base probation status is not removed in the term following the first probation, excluding students admitted on probation, see previous section on probation and removal of probation.
  • The student is placed on probation for a second time.
  • The student achieves a cumulative average of less than 2.3 after completion of 27 ECTS
  • The student fails to achieve a passing grade in two courses in one term.
  • Outside the first term of study, the student achieves a cumulative average of 2.3 or above but less than 3.3 in any term, and fails to achieve a passing grade in one course in that term.
  • The student fails the comprehensive examination or the thesis defense twice.

Master's Degree Graduation Requirements

To be eligible for graduation with a master's degree from the AUB Mediterraneo, a graduate student:​

  • must have attained a cumulative course average of B+ (3.3) or above, should not be on probation by the time the coursework is completed,
  • must have completed the minimum credit hours of coursework designated by the specific program,
  • must have passed the comprehensive exam,
  • must have completed thesis requirements for the thesis option degrees,
  • must have completed project requirements for the non-thesis option degrees,
  • and must have met the residence requirements specified for the master's degree.


Students who fail to properly credit ideas or materials taken from another commit plagiarism. Putting your name on a piece of work—any part of which is not yours— constitutes plagiarism, unless that piece is clearly marked and the work from which you have borrowed it is fully identified. Plagiarism is a violation of the university's academic regulations and is subject to disciplinary action.

Correct Use of Language

Facility in clear, correct and responsible use of language is a basic requirement for graduation. Papers (term papers, essays or examinations) that are ill-written, no matter what the course, may receive a lower grade for the quality of writing alone. The final grade in any course may be lowered for consistently substandard written or oral expression. In extreme cases, a failing grade may be given for this reason alone. (See the section on English Proficiency above.)

Disclosure of Student Records

Information about notification of rights under U.S.C. 438(6)(4)(8), The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) can be found on the following website



Students are strongly advised to prepare their registration schedules with their advisors to ensure graduation requirements are fulfilled. Failure to do so may mean a student has to spend an additional term or more at AUB Mediterraneo to complete graduation requirements.

Commencement Exercises

Commencement exercises are held at the end of the academic year.

Names on Diplomas and Degrees

Names on diplomas and degrees are spelled exactly as they appear on passports or identity cards and must be confirmed prior to Senate vote to award the degrees. Once graduated, name spelling cannot be changed.

Passports and Visas

Non-Cypriot students joining AUB Mediterraneo must have valid passports and student visas issued by the Government of Cyprus.

Payment of Fees

All students must finalize registration, including payment of tuition and other charges, by the announced deadlines. Those who do not with be administratively deregistered from their courses.

The American University of Beirut - Mediterraneo is a non-profit institution. Costs to students in tuition and other university fees are kept at a minimum, consistent with the provision of high-quality instruction and adequate facilities and equipment. The university reserves the right to change any or all fees at any time without prior notice. Such changes are applicable to students currently registered at the university as well as to new students.

  • Students are not permitted to enter classes at the beginning of the term until their fees are paid or special arrangements have been made with the Office of the Comptroller.
  • Each AUB Mediterraneo  student must pay all her/his tuition and other university fees.
  • Statements of fees are available on the AUB Mediterraneo  website.
  • All students must complete registration and the payment of tuition fees and other charges according to the academic calendar for the first and second terms. Under special circumstances, late payment is permitted during a period of no more than five working days after the announced deadline and is subject to a late payment fee of €100.
  • Students who demonstrate financial need must formally apply to the Office of the Comptroller for deferred payment arrangements for tuition fees by the stated deadline in the academic calendar. Applications for deferrals are not accepted thereafter. Deferred payments are not a right and are only agreed to under specific and special circumstances. Students who arrange for deferred payments are still required to complete all registration formalities within the set deadlines. Deferred payment arrangements are not permitted for the summer session in any faculty.
  • All students who apply for deferred payment arrangements must pay at least 50 percent of the net amount of tuition due. All other charges must be paid in full with no deferrals. A student must pay a deferred payment application fee of €33, whether the application is approved or not. Should the student's application be approved, the student must pay the balance of tuition, the deferred application fee of €33, and an interest of 1 percent per month on the deferred amount. All payment must be concluded by the announced deadlines.
  • Every student granted deferred payment arrangements must sign a statement indicating agreement that failure to complete payment by the set deadline will result in receiving no credit for the term in which the student has defaulted on payment.
  • Due dates are not extended nor are late payment fees waived for any reason.
  • Students are expected to meet all financial obligations to the university by the appropriate due date. For any student who fails to promptly meet her/his financial obligations, the university reserves the right to place an encumbrance on the student's record that prevents registration for future terms and the release of transcripts and diplomas, and also prevents access to other university services. It is each student's responsibility to be informed of all registration and fee payment dates and deadlines.

    Up-to-date schedules for registration and payment of fees are available through our calendar.


In the event a student withdraws for justifiable reasons after registration, fees are refunded according to the following schedule for the fall and spring terms:

  • Before the official start of classes 100% of full tuition and other fees
  • During the first week of classes 75% of tuition
  • During the second week of classes 50% of tuition
  • During the third week of classes 25% of tuition

The following schedule is applied in refunding fees for the summer session:

  • Before the official start of classes 100% of full tuition and other fees
  • During the first week of classes 75% of tuition
  • During the first week of classes 25% of tuition

Financial Aid

Financial aid will be available for qualified students who are accepted and enrolled at AUB Mediterraneo and are in good academic standing. It can be awarded on an annual basis or for the duration of the program depending on the specific type. AUB Mediterraneo reserves the right to modify or cancel awards at any time for the following reasons: changes in financial or academic status, discovery of incorrect or falsified information by the applicant or applicant's family, or errors in the determination of need and eligibility for financial aid. Financial aid can be of different kinds:

  • Need based grants
  • Merit based grants
  • Graduate assistantships
  • Donor funded scholarships
  • Externally funded grants or loans by student's national government
  • Bank loans (forthcoming based on future discussions with local banks

Need-based grants

To be eligible for any grant where financial need is a component, the student must meet the following criteria:

Accepted or enrolled at AUB Mediterraneo on a full-time basis, normally 24 ECTS. Graduate students may receive financial aid if they register for at least 18 ETCS.

Must demonstrate financial need as determined by the Interfaculty Financial Aid Committee.

Must be in good academic standing (demonstrate satisfactory academic performance). Need-based grants are available for one degree at each level of study.

Full-time graduate students must apply for graduate/research assistantships at the faculty where they are enrolled. Additionally, they are expected to apply for any externally funded grants or loans for which they are eligible.

Application for need-based grants

Students must complete a financial aid application for the term in which they will begin their studies. Grants are awarded for the summer term only to students who are required by their program to register for summer courses. The applicant and parents are required to submit all form and supporting documents by the deadline.

Interviews may be conducted with the applicant and parents.

Documents required may include, e.g., photograph, official transcripts, employment records for each member of the family, employee income statements, recent school statements and receipts for fees paid for each dependent child, a family civil status record, copies of rental contracts or ownership deeds to all properties, copies of car registration for each car owned by each member of the family, copies of loan agreements with supporting documents, copies of bank statements for every member of the family, all the same documents for the spouse if married, any additional documents that would support the application.

Merit-based grants

Students may be eligible for entrance scholarships and continuing scholarships. An entrance scholarship is awarded to an admitted student in competition with all other admitted students. Entrance scholarships are valid for the first two terms only. A continuing scholarship is awarded to full time status

an admitted student in competition with all other admitted students. Continuing scholarships are valid for the term of the program, provided that the student maintains all eligibility criteria as outlined in this document.

There is no application for a merit-based grant. The number of grants available in each category is subject to availability of funds, and students will be notified with their letter of acceptance if they are the recipient of one of these grants.

Graduate Assistantships

Applicants to graduate programs can request consideration for a graduate assistantship by filling appropriate information in the admissions application. Renewal for continuing students should be managed through their department or faculty in line with existing faculty guidelines.

Donor-funded scholarships

All students may apply for donor funded scholarships by searching the database of available opportunities. The application process for each will vary based on the terms of the donor agreement.


All financial aid controlled by AUB Mediterraneo is disbursed by direct credit to the student's account at the beginning of each term. Each external funding source has its own particularities.


Financial aid is not awarded to students who:

  • Are registered on a part-time basis.
  • Are placed on probation: Allocations will only be renewed when academic probation is removed.
  • Are receiving full graduate/research assistantships.
  • Submit incorrect or incomplete information in their applications.
  • Are not working for a degree.
  • Are full-time research assistants.

Financial aid may be cancelled or reduced in the following cases:

  • Student withdraws from all registered courses during a term.
  • Student is enrolled for less than 24 ECTS at the undergraduate level.
  • Student provides incorrect or incomplete information after registration.​

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