
AUB – AUB Mediterraneo course coding cross reference table:

AUB Course codeAUB Mediterraneo Course codeCourse name
BUSS 239BBAC190Business Communication Skills Workshop
BUSS 240BBAC290Strategic Career Planning Workshop
ACCT 210BBAC100Financial Accounting
ACCT 210LBBAC180Financial Accounting Lab
BUSS 210BBAC101Introduction to Business
DSCN 200BBAC102Operations Management
INFO 200BBAC200Foundations of Information Systems
MNGT 215BBAC201Fundamentals of Management and Organizational Behavior
BUSS 200BBAC202Business Data Analysis
BUSS 200LBBAC280Business Data Analysis Lab
FINA 210BBAC203Business Finance
FINA 210LBBAC281Business Finance Lab
MKTG 210BBAC204Principles of Marketing
ACCT 215BBAC300Management Accounting
BUSS 215BBAC301Business Ethics
ENTM 220BBAC302Entrepreneurship and Business Planning
ENTM 220LBBAC380Entrepreneurship and Business Planning Lab
DCSN 216BBAC303Business Analytics Using Data Mining
BUSS 249BBAC400Strategic Management
BUSS 211BBAC401Business Law
MNGT 250ZBBAC402Seminar in Strategic Management
BUSS 245BBAC304Internship/Practicum
MNGT 250NBBAB300Leadership Development
MKTG 227BBAM300Digital Marketing Strategy
MNGT 250PBBAB400Innovation Management
BUSS 250BBAB401Management Consulting
MNGT 250ZBBAB402Seminar in Strategic Management
ACCT 230BBAA300Introduction to External Auditing
ACCT 231BBAA301Fraud Examination and Internal Auditing
ACCT 221BBAA302Intermediate Financial Accounting I
ACCT 223BBAA303Intermediate Financial Accounting II
ACCT 235BBAA304Taxation
ACCT 250RBBAA305Financial Statement Analysis
MNGT 220BBAB301Human Resources Management
MNGT 250TBBAB302Training and Development
MNGT 250SBBAB303Gender, Work, and Inclusive Human Resource Systems
MNGT 218BBAB304Advanced Topics in Organizational Behavior
MNGT 223BBAB305Cross Cultural Management
MNGT 266BBAB306Selection and Assessment
MNGT 230BBAB307International Management
MNGT 231BBAB308Judgment and Decision-Making
ENTM 235BBAB309Family Business: Issues and Solutions
ENTM 240BBAB310Social Entrepreneurship
ENTM 225BBAB311Business Environment of The Firm
ENTM 270BBAB312Launching a New Venture
FINA 215BBAF300Financial Markets and Institutions
FINA 222BBAF301Valuation Methods
FINA 220BBAF302Investment Management
FINA 225BBAF303Commercial Bank Management
FINA 228BBAF400Risk Management
FINA 230BBAF302International Financial Management
FINA 241BBAF303Venture Capital Management
FINA 244BBAF304Derivative Securities
MKTG 225BBAM301Strategic Brand Marketing
MKTG 231BBAM302Customer Experience Design
MKTG 240BBAM303Consumer Behavior
MKTG 250JBBAM304Digital Content Creation for Businesses
MKTG 250LBBAM305Fashion and Luxury Marketing
DCSN 217BBAO300Total Quality Management for Business Excellence
DCSN 212BBAO301Introduction to Project Management
INFO 225BBAO302Enterprise Systems Design and Implementation
INFO 226BBAO303System Development and Database Design
DCSN 205BBAO304Managerial Decision Making
DCSN 210BBAO305Business Logistics
DCSN 211BBAO306Pricing and Revenue Management
DCSN 250ABBAO307Operations Management II
CMPS 201CMPS101Introduction to Programming
CMPS 202CMPS102Intermediate Programming with Data Structures
CMPS 203CMPS103Programming for Everyone
CMPS 208CMPS108Computing for Business
CMPS 214CMPS214Algorithms and Data Structures
CMPS 215CMPS315Theory of Computation
CMPS 216CMPS416Algorithmic Graph Theory
CMPS 217CMPS417Advanced Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CMPS 221CMPS221Computer Organization and Design
CMPS 224CMPS324GPU Computing
CMPS 231CMPS231Programming Languages
CMPS 232CMPS332Compiler Construction
CMPS 240CMPS340Operating Systems
CMPS 241CMPS341Systems and Network Programming
CMPS 242CMPS342Computer Networks
CMPS 243CMPS243Computer and Information Security
CMPS 244CMPS244Database System
CMPS 245CMPS445Information Retrieval and Web Search
CMPS 246CMPS446Distributed Systems
CMPS 247CMPS447Advanced Networking Topics
CMPS 251CMPS351Numerical Computing
CMPS 261CMPS361Machine Learning
CMPS 262CMPS362Data Science
CMPS 263CMPS463Advanced Machine Learning
CMPS 270CMPS270Software Construction
CMPS 271CMPS271Software Engineering
CMPS 272CMPS472Advanced Software Engineering
CMPS 275CMPS375Mobile Application Development
CMPS 278CMPS378Web Programming and Design
CMPS 280CMPS380Digital Media Programming
CMPS 282CMPS382Game Programming
CMPS 285CMPS485Computer Graphics
CMPS 290CMPS490Internship
CMPS 296CMPS496Computer Science Tutorial
CMPS 297CMPS497Special Topics in Computer Science
CMPS 299CMPS499Capstone Project
ARAB 203ARAB100Beginners’ Arabic as a Foreign Language I
ARAB 204ARAB101Beginners’ Arabic as a Foreign Language II
ENGL 203ENGL100Academic English
ENGL 204ENGL101Advanced Academic English
ENGL 206ENGL102Technical English
BIOL 201BIOL100General Biology I
BIOL 210BIOL101Human Biology
CHEM 201CHEM100Chemical Principles
CHEM 202CHEM101Introduction to Environmental Chemistry
CHEM 203CHEM102Introductory Chemical Techniques
CHEM 211CHEM301Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 212CHEM302Organic Chemistry II
HPCH 205HPCH100Introduction to Public Health
PHYS 210PHYS100Introductory Physics II
PHYS 204PHYS101Introduction to Classical Physics
PHYS 205PHYS102Introduction to Modern Physics
CMPS 200CMPS100Introduction to Programming
MATH 201MATH100Calculus and Analytic Geometry III
MATH 202MATH101Differential Equations
MATH 203MATH102Mathematics for Social Sciences I
MATH 204MATH103Mathematics for Social Sciences II
MATH 218MATH201Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications
MATH 219MATH202Linear Algebra I
MATH 251MATH203Numerical Computing
PHIL 211PHIL200Introduction to Logic
STAT 201STAT100Elementary Statistics for the Social Sciences
STAT 230STAT101Introduction to Probability and Random Variables
CVSP 201CHLA101Ancient Near East and Classical Civilizations
CVSP 202CHLA102Medieval, Islamic, and Renaissance Civilizations
CVSP 203CHLA103Enlightenment and Modernity
CVSP 204CHLA104Contemporary Studies
CVSP 207CHLA105Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance Civilizations
CVSP 208CHLA107Modern and Contemporary Studies
ENGL 212ENGL103Shakespeare
ENGL 242BENGL104The Iliad
HIST 243HIST100History of the Arab East and Egypt Since 1920
PHIL 213PHIL101History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 201PHIL102Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 216PHIL100Political Philosophy
PSPA 210PSPA200Introduction to Political Thought
ECON 203ECON100Survey of Economics
PPE 201PHPE100Introduction to PPE
PPE 203PHPE200Economic Justice
PPE 204PHPE201Conflict, Peace and Justice
PPE 205PHPE300Political Economy
PSPA 201PSPA100Introduction to Politics
PSPA 213PSPA101International Politics
PSYC 201PSYC101Introduction to Psychology
QUAL 201QUAL110Qualitative Research Methods in Social/Political Sciences and Humanities
PHIL 210PHIL130Ethics
PPE 206PHPE430Ethics and Public Affairs
ACCT 210BBAC100Financial Accounting
CIVE 210CIVE121Statics
EECE 230CMPS101Introduction to Programming
MNGT 215BBAC201Fundamentals of Management and Organizational Behavior
MECH 421MECH300Manufacturing Processes I
INDE 301INDE200Engineering Economy
INDE 302INDE210Operations Research I
INDE 303INDE211Operations Research II
INDE 320INDE220Work Measurement and Methods Engineering
INDE 402INDE300Facilities Planning and Material Handling
INDE 410INDE330Engineering Ethics
INDE 411INDE301Introduction to Project Management
INDE 412INDE340Engineering Entrepreneurship
INDE 421INDE302Human Factors Engineering
INDE 430INDE303Statistical Quality Control
INDE 431INDE310Production Planning and Inventory Control
INDE 500INDE450Approved Experience
INDE 501INDE460Final Year Project I
INDE 502INDE461Final Year Project II
INDE 504INDE311Discrete Event Simulation
INDE 513INDE401Information Systems
INDE 535INDE410Data Analytics for Operations Research and Financial Engineering
PHIL 210PHIL130Ethics
ECON 203ECON100Survey of Economics
ECON 211ECON101Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 212ECON102Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 215ECON300Applied Economics
ECON 217ECON200Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 227ECON201Intermediate Macroeconomics
PHIL 211PHIL200Introduction to Logic
PHIL 216PHIL100Political Philosophy
PHIL 252PHIL201Special Topics in Political & Moral Philosophy
PPE 201PHPE100Introduction to PPE
PPE 202PHPE310Research Design in PPE
PPE 203PHPE200Economic Justice
PPE 204PHPE201Conflict, Peace, and Justice
PPE 205PHPE300Political Economy
PPE 206PHPE430Ethics & Public Affairs
PPE 207PHPE400Regional Topics in PPE
PPE 208PHPE401Special Topics in PPE
PPE 209PHPE410Application/Dissertation
PPE 210PHPE411PPE Application/Dissertation
PPE 211PHPE420Qualitative Methods for Social Sciences
PSPA 201PSPA100Introduction to Politics
PSPA 210PSPA200Introduction to Political Thought
PSPA 213PSPA101International Politics
PSPA 260PSPA201Policy Analysis
PSYC 201PSYC101Introduction to Psychological Science
PSYC 210PSYC310Lifespan Developmental Psychology
PSYC 212PSYC312Social Psychology
PSYC 214PSYC314Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 216PSYC316Personality Psychology
PSYC 220PSYC320Psychology of Learning and Behavior
PSYC 222PSYC322Behavioral Neuroscience
PSYC 224PSYC324Sensation and Perception
PSYC 226PSYC326Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 229PSYC329Cognitive Neuroscience
PSYC 230PSYC430Clinical Psychology
PSYC 234PSYC434Positive Psychology
PSYC 235PSYC435Political Psychology
PSYC 237PSYC437Introduction to Cognitive Science
PSYC 238PSYC438Applied Behavioral Analysis
PSYC 239PSYC439Psychology of Trauma
PSYC 240BPSYC442Industrial & Organizational Psychology
PSYC 240PSYC440Special Topics in Psychology
PSYC 241PSYC441Programming for Experimental Psychology
PSYC 280PSYC280History and Systems of Psychology
PSYC 282PSYC282Research Design in Psychology
PSYC 284PSYC284Statistical Analysis in Psychology
PSYC 288PSYC488Undergraduate Seminar in Psychology
PSYC 290PSYC490Independent Study
CECS200Community-based Learning
FYSE100First Year Student Experience
PHYS 210LPHYS103Introductory Physics LAB II
AUBR100AUB Residency
MSBA 300MSBA500Business Understanding In Analytics
MSBA 305MSBA501Data Processing Framework
MSBA 310MSBA502Applied Statistical Analysis
MSBA 320MSBA503Optimization and Simulation
MSBA 325MSBA601Data Visualization & Communication
MSBA 315MSBA602Predictive Analytics & Machine Learning
MSBA 370MSBA603Data-Driven Digital Marketing
MSBA 385MSBA604Healthcare Analytics
MSBA 317MSBA605Forecasting Analytics
MSBA 316MSBA504Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing
MSBA 360MSBA606Social Media Analytics
MSBA 350CMSBA607Big Data Processing and Blockchain Technology
BUSS 350DMSBA505Venture Acceleration Practicum
DCSN 340MSBA506Supply Chain Management
DCSN 310MSBA507Operations Management
ENMG 602ENMG602Introduction to Financial Engineering
ENMG 603ENMG603Probability and Decision Analysis
ENMG 698LENMG604Introduction to Operations and Process Management
ENMG 661ENMG601Strategic Management of Technology
ENMG 632ENMG631Project Planning Scheduling and Control
ENMG 633ENMG632Advanced Topics in Project Management
ENMG 635ENMG633Project Deliverance and Contracts
ENMG 642ENMG641Lean Engineering Concepts
ENMG 645ENMG634Program and Portfolio Management
ENMG 698KENMG642Dispute Resolution on Projects
ENMG 604ENMG615Deterministic Optimization Models
ENMG 624ENMG612Financial Engineering I
ENMG 611ENMG614Supply Chain Design and Management
ENMG 616ENMG616Advanced Optimization
ENMG 617ENMG605Engineering Management Statistics
ENMG 622ENMG606Simulation Modeling and Analysis
ENMG 623ENMG607Stochastic Models and Applications
ENMG 625ENMG613Financial Engineering II
ENMG 698MENMG608Fundamentals of Data Science
MSBA 390MSBA608MSBA Capstone Project
MSBA 395MSBA609MSBA Thesis

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