Industrial Engineering and Management

The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management offers an undergraduate degree program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and a graduate degree program leading to the Master of Engineering Management degree.

Bachelor of Science (BS) Major: Industrial Engineering (IE)

The Industrial Engineering Program extends over a four-year period and is offered exclusively on a daytime, on-campus basis. The program is offered in nine terms whereby eight terms are 12/13-week Fall/Spring terms given over four years, and one eight-week summer term taken during the third year of the program in which students are required to participate in a practical training program with a local, regional or international organization.

IE Program Educational Objectives

Graduates of the IE program will be able to:

  • Assume key roles in a range of industries that use industrial engineering, including manufacturing and service.
  • Effectively participate in, coordinate and manage diverse teams of engineers and analysts, especially in large-scale systems.
  • Pursue advanced degrees in industrial engineering and other related fields at reputable regional and international universities.
  • Appreciate the importance of professional ethics and actively use their knowledge and experience to the benefit of the community.

IE Program Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, IE students will be able to demonstrate:

  • An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to model, optimize and evaluate integrated systems of people, technology and information.
  • An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  • An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
  • An ability to function on multidisciplinary engineering teams.
  • An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems and to develop integrated solutions to large-scale, sociotechnical problems through quantitative models.
  • An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
  • An ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form.
  • The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context.
  • Recognition of the need for, and ability to engage in, lifelong learning.
  • Knowledge of contemporary issues.
  • An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

IE Program Requirements

The BS curriculum in Industrial Engineering is a four-year program (with one summer) consisting of 244 ECTS of coursework, split into 190 ECTS compulsory courses and 54 ECTS electives.

The IE curriculum is supported by four pillars:

  1. Basic science courses
  2. General education courses
  3. Basic business courses
  4. General engineering fundamental courses. The specific course requirements are as follows:

Basic Science Courses: MATH 101, MATH 201/202, MATH 203, STAT 101, PHYS 100, CHEM 100/101

General Education Requirements: 12 ECTS in English, ENGL 100 and ENGL 102; 6 credits in Arabic; 3 credits on quantitative reasoning, MATH 100; 12 ECTS in natural science including BIOL 101; 24 ECTS in the humanities including a course on Greek Studies; 12 ECTS in social sciences, ECON 101and; 6 credits on ethics and community engagement including INDE 330.

Basic Business Courses: BBAC 100 and BBAC 201

Engineering Fundamentals: CIVE 121, CMPS 101, MECH 300 The IE courses are distributed in three core areas:

  1. Operations Research
  2. Engineering Management
  3. Production Systems

Courses and Course Descriptions

INDE 200 Engineering Economy (6 ECTS)
A course that covers principles, basic concepts and methodology for making rational decisions in the design and implementation of real engineering projects; time value of money, depreciation, comparing alternatives, effect of taxes, inflation, capital financing and allocation, and decision under uncertainty. Every term.

INDE 210 Operations Research I (6 ECTS)
A course on operation research modeling concepts with an emphasis on linear programming; topics include: linear programming, network programming and project management. Prerequisite: MATH 201 or Math 202, or equivalent. Annually.

INDE 211 Operations Research II (6 ECTS)
Another course on operation research modeling concepts with an emphasis on probability models and stochastic processes; topics include conditional probability, discrete- and continuous-time Markov chains and their application in modeling queues, inventories and production process behavior. Prerequisite: STAT 101 or equivalent. Annually.

INDE 220 Work Measurement and Methods Engineering (6 ECTS)
A course on system and work design concepts; time studies; performance rating and allowances; standard and pre-determined times; work methods improvement; design of manual work, equipment, tools and work environments; line balancing; manpower determinations, job analysis and incentives; systems analysis, lean and value analysis. Prerequisite: STAT 101 or equivalent. Annually.

INDE 300 Facility Planning and Material Handling (6 ECTS)
Inter-relationships between facilities, process design, systematic layout procedures, computer aided layout, location analysis models, material handling analysis and concepts, warehousing storage and retrieval systems. Prerequisites: INDE 210 and INDE 211. Annually.

INDE 301 Introduction to Project Management (6 ECTS)
Introduction to project management for engineers. Conception, planning, scheduling, budgeting, leadership, management, tracking and completion of projects. Project management software is introduced and used. Prerequisites: INDE 210 and INDE 211. Annually.

INDE 302 Human Factors Engineering (6 ECTS)
Designing for human performance effectiveness and productivity. Introducing human factors and ergonomics. Design and evaluation methods. Perception: vision and hearing. Cognition. Displays and controls. Work-space design. Biomechanics of work. Stress and workload. Safety and human error. Human-computer interaction. Prerequisite: INDE 220. Annually.

INDE 303 Statistical Quality Control (6 ECTS)
Design of quality control systems; quality methods for establishing product specifications; process control; variables and attributes charts; acceptance sampling; operating characteristics curves; process capabilities; QC software. Prerequisite: STAT 101. Annually.

INDE 310 Production Planning and Inventory Control (6 ECTS)
Methods of production and inventory planning. Single-product replenishment systems. Inventory management for special classes of items and products. Multiple item and multiple location inventories. Production planning and scheduling: aggregate production planning, MRP, JIT, OPT and short-range production scheduling. Prerequisites: INDE 210 and 211. Annually.

INDE 311 Discrete Event Simulation (6 ECTS)
System definition; model formulation, Monte-Carlo method; random number generation; discrete events; system entities and its attributes. Emphasis on analysis of systems and models of real-life problems. Lab experience with a modern discrete-event simulation package (e.g., ARENA). Prerequisite: INDE 211. Annually.

INDE 330 Engineering Ethics (6 ECTS)
A course on engineering ethics covering responsibility in engineering; framing the moral problem; organizing principles of ethical theories; computers, individual morality and social policy; honesty, integrity and reliability; safety, risk and liability in engineering; engineers as employees; engineers and the environment; international engineering professionalism; and future challenges. Every term.

INDE 340 Engineering Entrepreneurship (6 ECTS)
This course provides students with the tools necessary to create and grow a successful, innovative technology enterprise. Topics include evaluating market opportunities, designing profitable business models, producing a solid business plan, raising capital, addressing legal considerations and developing a winning team. Prerequisite: INDE 200 or equivalent.

INDE 401 Information System (6 ECTS)
This is a course that answers the questions: What is information? How can it best be stored? What to call it? The course also covers the following topics: abstraction, interfaces, barriers, specification, documentation, relational calculus and architectural abstractions, data structures for fast data storage and retrieval, encryption, putting things on the Web, data warehousing and data mining. Annually.

INDE 410 Data Analytics for Operations Research and Financial Engineering (6 ECTS)
Students will learn to identify, evaluate and capture analytic opportunities that create value for an organization. Basic descriptive analytics methods are reviewed utilizing specialized software (e.g. R) in analyzing large data sets. Predictive analytics techniques including clustering, classification and regression are covered in detail. Prescriptive analytics applications on utilization simulation and optimization over large data to improve business decisions are presented. Annually.

INDE 450 Approved Experience (6 ECTS)
Practical training program with a local, regional or international organization. Summer.

INDE 460 Final Year Project I (6 ECTS)
This is a capstone course where IE students utilize knowledge, they acquired from different courses to design and develop an IE-related product or service. This is the first part of the course that spans through the final year of the student’s study. Prerequisite: Completion of third year in IE requirements. Fall.

INDE 461 Final Year Project II (6 ECTS)
This is the second part of the IE capstone course. Prerequisite: INDE 460. Spring.
