

​​Mission statement: 

The discipline of psychology is dedicated to increasing the scientific understanding of behaviour and mental processes at the intrapersonal, interpersonal and group level, and to the application of that understanding to enhance the functioning of individuals, groups, and society. In line with this mission, the Undergraduate Program in Psychology has a threefold mission: to advance and transmit knowledge related to the nature of psychological processes and functioning, to provide a strong foundation in the basic knowledge and skills necessary for research in psychology, and to sensitise students to the applications of psychology in the wider community. This mission embodies the main elements of AUB Mediterraneo's​ mission which are to foster freedom of thought, respect for diversity, critical thinking, personal integrity, and civic engagement.


The Department of Psychology offers a wide range of courses in all the main subdisciplines of psychology: social and personality psychology, clinical and abnormal psychology, and cognition and neuroscience. Occasionally, the department offers guest courses in the fields of forensic psychology, trauma, sexuality, industrial psychology and others. Students obtain hands-on experience in research in their fourth year through the undergraduate thesis project. Students also have the opportunity to learn more about research through departmental colloquia, in which international and local speakers present their latest work across a variety of topics.

Student Activities:

In addition to the comprehensive undergraduate curriculum, our students have the opportunity to gain practical experience through volunteer work and community engagement, and research assistantships that prepare them for applied psychological work. This is made possible through our partnerships with local NGOs, which benefit both the NGOs and our students.​

Our undergraduate courses include

PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychological Science                                                                          6 ECTS

A survey of the principles and concepts of modern psychological science. Emphasis is placed on critically examining empirical research investigating human behavior and mental processes

PSYC 312 Social Psychology                                                                                                        6 ECTS

The aims of the course include introducing students to the field of social psychology, its key concepts and methodologies. Furthermore, students will be developing their presentation, essay writing and research skills.

The course objectives are:

1.      Introduce the main theories, concepts, and issues in social psychology

2.     Apply social psychological insights to contemporary social problems

3.     Critically evaluate contemporary social psychological research

4.     Understand the limitations of hegemonic approaches to social psychological science

5.     Explore the impact of context and culture on social behavior

Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 282 Research Design in Psychology                                                                                   6 ECTS

This course is the first part of the core research requirements for undergraduates in psychology. It introduces you to the basic concepts in research methods and statistical analyses for psychological research. This course provides you with a solid foundation in the basic research methods and statistical analyses that will be needed for PSYC 284 and PSYC 290. Moreover, this course teaches you how to develop and write a proposal to conduct psychological research, consistent with the Style Manual of the American Psychological Association. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 310 Lifespan Developmental Psychology                                                                            6 ECTS

The course provides an introduction to various aspects of human development. It teaches biological, cognitive and psychosocial aspects of human development through the lifespan. Particular attention is paid to the role of nature and nurture in human development. The emphasis is placed on empirical research and current advances in the field of study of human development. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 316 Personality Psychology                                                                                                6 ECTS

This course examines contemporary personality theories, methods and applications. Classic theories of personality are discussed within the context of current evidence, with particular emphasis on trait approach, evolutionary, social, cross-cultural, and cognitive approaches to personality and individual differences. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 320 Psychology of Learning and Behavior                                                                         6 ECTS

This course investigates the principles of learning and behavior. The psychology of learning, or behavioral psychology, is not to be confused with educational psychology. This course introduces you to the psychology of learning by examining the classical and operant (instrumental) conditioning paradigms, both from an experimental and an applied perspective. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 326 Cognitive Psychology                                                                                                 6 ECTS

This course introduces students to theory and research on human cognition, including perception, attention, memory, language, reasoning and problem solving. Students will learn how sensory input and complex events are represented and stored in the brain, and how this information is used in everyday behavior. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 435 Political Psychology                                                                                                    6 ECTS

The aims of the course include introducing students to the field of political psychology, its key concepts and methodologies. Furthermore, students will be developing their presentation, essay writing and research skills. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 437 Introduction to Cognitive Science                                                                                 6ECTS

Cognitive science is the study of human and artificial intelligence, from perception and action to language, reasoning and consciousness. The field draws on diverse disciplines including psychology, linguistics, computer science, neuroscience and philosophy. These sub-disciplines share the goal of “understanding the representational and computational capacities of the mind, and their structural and functional representation in the brain” (Sloan Report, 1978). In this course, we will examine the contributions of these disciplines toward understanding various aspects of cognition and trace the development of the field from its origins to the present. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 284 Statistical Analysis in Psychology                                                                                6 ECTS

This course introduces students to basic concepts in statistics and the R environment and language for statistical computing. The course enables students to (1) understand the principles of statistical theory, (2) be able to critically appraise the use of the most common statistical tests in research publications and (3) conduct and report statistical analyses on your own research data. Prerequisite PSYC 101 PSYC 182

PSYC 314 Abnormal Psychology                                                                                                   6 ECTS

This course will cover the major theories and controversies around the concept of abnormal behavior, its assessment and diagnosis. We will cover most of the psychological disorders seen in adulthood, their symptomatology, causal theories, risk factors and treatments. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 322 Behavioral Neuroscience                                                                                            6 ECTS

This course is designed to introduce the student to the field of behavioral neuroscience, its key concepts, theories and methodologies. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 324 Sensation and Perception                                                                                           6 ECTS

This course introduces students to the physiology and mechanisms of human vision, hearing and smell, with an emphasis on vision and hearing. Students will learn how external stimuli (light, sound, odors), are encoded by sensory receptors and transformed into perceptual experiences. The course will cover the physiology of sensory organs, neural pathways, and perceptual phenomena from everyday life (e.g., illusions, adaptation), that illuminate how sensory input is represented in the brain. The course will also cover methods used to measure and quantify human perception and performance (e.g., psychophysics, signal detection theory). Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 329 Cognitive Neuroscience                                                                                             6 ECTS

This course is designed to give students in-depth exposure to the various developments, theories and research methods in cognitive neuroscience. The emphasis of the course is on the systems level. Each week, students are to examine the neural underpinnings of a broad class of mental processes and put them into the larger context of the psychological sciences. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 430 Clinical Psychology                                                                                                    6 ECTS

This course will provide a comprehensive overview of the professional field of clinical psychology, including primarily, the psychologist’s tasks of assessment and treatment. Various tools for diagnosis and approaches to psychotherapy will be examined. Current issues in the field including ethical dilemmas, training practices, evidence-based psychotherapy and specialties will also be reviewed. Prerequisite PSYC 101, PSYC 314

PSYC 434 Positive Psychology                                                                                                   6 ECTS

The course aims to bring positive psychology to life for you by addressing the key theory, research and applications in this field. Positive psychology is a science of positive individual traits and

subjective experiences promising to prevent pathologies and enhance humans’ quality of life. The primary focus is on what makes life meaningful and worth living. Key areas that are studied are courage, wisdom, hope, creativity, future mindedness, happiness, empathy and spirituality. These form the factors that further allow humans, communities and societies to flourish. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 438 Applied Behavioral Analysis                                                                                        6 ECTS

This course introduces students to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). ABA is an area in behavioral psychology concerned with applications of behavioral principles, such as reinforcement and shaping, to a wide range of socially and/or clinically important problems. Research has shown that ABA is one of the most effective treatments in autism intervention. It is also effective in educational settings, business domains (e.g., Organizational Behavior Management), and self-management and self- control matters, to name a few. This course examines these and other basic topics covered in ABA. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 439 Psychology of Trauma                                                                                                6 ECTS

This course is aimed at gaining an in-depth understanding of the impact of various types of trauma including developmental trauma, torture and imprisonment, domestic violence, war trauma, and single incident traumas such as natural disasters, accidents or sudden losses. We will discuss several theories of trauma that explain the experience cognitively, neurologically, emotionally and physiologically. The course will also cover the socio-political considerations of trauma as well as resilience, recovery and post-traumatic growth. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 280 History and Systems of Psychology                                                                             6 ECTS

This course is designed to introduce the student to the history and philosophy of psychology.

Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 488 Undergraduate Seminar in Psychology                                                                       6 ECTS

This course develops the ability to understand and evaluate empirical research in psychology through critical readings of research articles within one or more subdomains of psychology. The aim is to develop an understanding of research questions and methods, including study design, statistical methods and interpretation of data. Students learn to think critically about empirical work and to generate their own ideas within a testable framework. The course will develops academic writing and presentation skills, including the ability to summarize research, formulate logical arguments and critique empirical literature. Prerequisite PSYC 101 PSYC 284

PSYC 440 Special Topics in Psychology                                                                                      6 ECTS

This course provides an in-depth understanding of a topic within a subdomain of psychology (e.g., Applied Behavioral Analysis, Industrial Psychology, Psychology of Religion, Sensory Plasticity and Perceptual Learning). Topics depend on instructor specialty, and course offerings vary across terms. See next syllabus (240A) for example. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 441 Programming for Experimental Psychology                                                                  6 ECTS

This course trains students to use programming software for experimental psychology (e.g., PsychoPy, Matlab), providing a core skill for research in the cognitive neurosciences. Students learn to code experiments involving the display of one or more stimulus types and one or more independent variables. The course provides a strong grounding for advanced studies in cognitive neuroscience and experimental psychology more generally. Recommended for students opting for a cognitive research topic for their final year research project. Prerequisite PSYC 101, 182, 284

PSYC 442 Industrial & Organizational Psychology                                                                       6 ECTS

This course is designed to provide an overview of I/O Psychology including individual, group, and organizational issues resulting in enhanced understanding of the world of business and related career concerns. Prerequisite: PSY 201Industrial and organizational psychology is the application of psychological principles, theory, and research to the work setting. It is the scientific study of employees, workplaces, and organizations. Industrial and organizational psychologists contribute to an organization's success by improving the workplace and the performance, satisfaction, and well- being of its people. An I/O psychologist researches and identifies how employee behaviors and attitudes can be improved through hiring practices, training programs, and feedback and management systems. Prerequisite PSYC 101

PSYC 490 Independent Study                                                                                                     24 ECTS

This course trains students to plan, conduct, and write up a full empirical study. The content is dependent on a faculty-member’s research program. Prerequisite PSYC 101 PSYC 284 PSYC 388


Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this program the graduate will be able to:​

  • Argue that psychology is an empirical science that seamlessly connects with other social and natural sciences and that it can be clearly delineated from pseudoscience and pop psychology.​
  • Demonstrate an attitude of critical thinking and objectivity with psychological knowledge, in contexts and towards authority.​Demonstrate research skills in research design and validity, data analysis and interpretation, data reporting, and applied ethical standards. Demonstrate research skills in research design and validity, data analysis and interpretation, data reporting, and applied ethical standards.
  • Demonstrate research skills in research design and validity, data analysis and interpretation, data reporting, and applied ethical standards.​
  • Explain substantive content in key fields of psychology including social and personality psychology, development and abnormal psychology, learning and cognition, as well as perceptual psychology and neuroscience.​​
  • Effectively and fluently communicate psychological content in an oral presentation format and in writing (includes use of the Style Manual of the American Psychological Association).
  • Apply psychological concepts, theories, and research findings in daily life and to solve problems.​

These learning outcomes align with the European qualification framework

Programme Requirements
​Compulsory courses
​Elective courses

(a) Courses per concentration
(b) General education courses / Free electives (please check Appendix 7
General Education Program)

Undergraduate / Postgraduate assignment
Practical training
Total ECTS

Course TypeCourse TitleCourse CodeNumber of ECTS​
Compulsory Independent Study PSYC 290 12
PSYC Elective Psychology Elective PSYC 6
PSYC Elective Psychology Elective PSYC 6
PSYC Elective Psychology Elective PSYC 6
Compulsory Independent Study PSYC 290 12
PSYC Elective Psychology Elective PSYC 6
PSYC Elective Psychology Elective PSYC 6
PSYC Elective Psyc​hology Elective PSYC 6

La​bs and Equipment

Own Lab Space

  • Vision Lab: (incl. sliding monitors, eye-tracker and software)
  • EEG Lab: EEG with 64 electrodes (incl. two Faraday chambers)
  • Testing Lab:
  • Additional Labs: Observation room equipped with a one-way mirror
All will be housed in AUB-M’s general-purpose lab space

Teaching Equipment

  • AUB-Meditteraneo’s general computer lab
  • Software for stats and programming, etc.
  • Moodle, Turnitin, smart-classrooms, etc.

After Graduation​

After completing the BS degree, students are usually recommended to continue with graduate studies. This helps to specialize and focus on a sub-discipline in psychology.​

The career options for psychologists range from work in educational and clinical settings to work in research institutions and wider industries. Depending on the area of specialization, psychologists acquire skills necessary to work in the below fields.

1. Typical psychology careers:

  • ​​​Careers in healthcare and therapy
    • Chartered psychologist
    • Psychotherapist
    • Social worker
    • Counselor
  • ​​​Careers in education
    • ​​Educational psychologist
    • School psychologist
    • School teacher 
  • ​Careers in research
    • Scientist in various agencies (government, universities, companies, charities, NGOs) and in various roles (from research assistant to principal investigator, dependent on further qualifications)

2. Less typical careers with a psychology degree:

  • ​Human resources
  • Media and communications
  • Criminal justice and rehabilitation
  • Advertising and marketing
  • Business and management
  • Sports
  • Public agencies
  • The legal sector​
