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Report an Incident


Equity/Title IX Coordinator(phone, email, or in-person)

Office of the Rector

Administration Building – Room 309 – 310

Tel: +357 26 813333 Extension: 102 or 109

Email: [email protected]


Report to a Title IX Deputy (phone, email, or in-person)

See contact info here.

Report Online using a Safe Reporting System

You may report anonymously, if you wish. Please make sure to keep track of the “report key" generated for you when you submit your report. You will need this key to log back into the system and check the Office response. Please note that Arabic-language passwords will not work.

Report Online using the Safe Reporting System Mobile Application

You may report an incident (anonymously or not) or follow up on an existing report through the EthicsPoint mobile intake application. You can access the mobile intake application via or by scanning the below QR code.

EthicsPoint QR Code


Upon reporting an incident, the Equity/Title IX Office may initiate both informal and/or formal resolution to address the complaint.

Informal resolution will only be considered for certain types of complaints, provided that the interests of all parties are adequately protected. Either party involved in a formal complaint may terminate the informal resolution process at any time and request a formal investigation.

A formal investigation is generally initiated upon the receipt of a formal complaint. This process typically involves a panel investigation, with a final decision issued by the President. The panel process is most commonly triggered upon the receipt of a 'formal notice.'

Actions typically include:

  • Stopping the conduct perceived as discriminatory
  • Implementing remedies such as scheduling or housing accommodations
  • Preventing recurrence