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Contact a Title IX Deputy

Title IX Deputies serve as advocates for anti-discrimination efforts in their respective faculty, school, or unit, collaborating closely with the Title IX Coordinator to support efforts in the University Campus. Reporting parties may choose to approach any of the Title IX Deputies to report discrimination or discriminatory harassment, including sex discrimination and sexual harassment misconduct. ​
Dr. Wassim El Hajj profile photo  

Dr. Wassim El Hajj

Rector of the American University of Beirut – Mediterraneo

Pafos, Cyprus

Tel. 26812222, 26813333 – Ext.102

Office Num.: 310

Dr. Alain Daou profile photo  

Dr. Alain Daou

Dean of the Faculty of Business

Pafos, Cyprus

Tel. 26812222, 26813333 – Ext.106

Office Num.: 314

Dr. Salah Sadek profile photo  

Dr. Salah Sadek

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering

Pafos, Cyprus

Tel. 26812222, 26813333 – Ext.103

Office Num.: 311

Dr. Malek Tabbal profile photo  

Dr. Malek Tabbal

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Pafos, Cyprus

Tel. 26812222, 26813333

Office Num.: 331

Dr. Amy Zenger profile photo  

Dr. Amy Zenger

Director of the Institute for Liberal Arts

Pafos, Cyprus

Tel. 26812222, 26813333 – Ext.105

Office Num.: 329